Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Enjoying this new chapter

After 11 years of trying to have a baby, I am really enjoying being pregnant. I just love saying it: pregnant. I called to order medication yesterday and the pharmacist asked what it was for and I answered: pregnancy. It is all so surreal! I am trying on maternity clothes and having a blast. I purchased a blanket for our baby. If there are two then I will need to buy another one. Buying the blanket made it a bit more real. This was the first time that I entered the baby aisle and enjoyed it. I didn't cringe or tear up and hurry out of there, I just browsed. Ah, bliss!

So far I feel great. I have had some nausea, but not too bad. I am hungry all of the time but have no appetite. The nurse said that I need to eat more and drink more as I was dehydrated at my last visit. Easier said than done, but I will do whatever it takes. That is about it in the symptom department.

I have my first ultrasound on Jan 11th and we find out how many babies there are. We had 2 embryos transferred and we are praying that both survived. I have taken my first belly picture and thought that I would share it with all of you.



  1. Love the belly pic! You sound just like me, maternity clothes and all!

  2. Again, Im just so happy for you! Love your new blog! Excited about reading about your journey! Am praying for your US

  3. I am so very happy for you. I'll add you to my blogroll under embryo donation/adoption.

    dawn at Creating Family.org
